Sunday, March 31, 2013

Perth Walks : Walk #1–Around the Canning River Regional Park

I like walking.

I was telling this to my good friend David Musgrave and his wife Jennifer, and Jennifer immediately brought a book of walks around Perth and Western Australia. Looking around – Rubal and I found another book on Walks in Perth - Perth's Best Bush, Coast & City Walks. I highly recommend getting the book – it has some great pictures as well.


So now armed with a couple of books – we’ve decided to start the walks. Hopefully one every week.

The first walk was around the Canning River. Nice short one hour walk. Especially good for those of you staying in Cannington. We went there from 5.30 PM to 6.30 PM as the sun was setting, but surprisingly there weren’t any people at all.

Rubal especially liked this walk as we can combine it with a trip to Carousel

Start at Mason’s Landing Park


Some pictures, I’ll try and get better in the future  -








